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system therapist - Buren - Cherry
Therapist Buren - Geldermalsen
Plantsoen 3
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Cherry | system therapist

Therapist Buren - Geldermalsen

My name is Cherry and I have been working with great pleasure for 13 years in my own practice for psychosocial therapy. My clients contact me through this website, the GP or advertising. I get a lot of energy from this work and invest it in the client.

So what's so much fun about it? Indeed, I often get the comment that it is "probably a tough profession". An understandable comment. But I don't see it that way.

I see the client and his or her issue as an investigation for me to an opportunity for improvement for the client. A transformation. And if a transformation is properly supervised, this can lead to color and freedom. Therefore the butterfly.

I investigate with the client how he or she ended up at this point. Then I apply a form of therapy which suits this client best, because different themes require different forms of therapy.

We work purposefully, because I like results. We do this interactively, the client itself is the key to improvement. And then the circle is complete as far as I'm concerned. Because if the client can participate in life again with more pleasure, certainty, light, air, insights, etc., I have satisfaction.

I am trained as a psychosocial therapist and systems therapist. I continue to develop myself in my workfield in all kinds of ways. My membership of the professional association LVPW also guarantees this. My consultations are (partly) reimbursed from the supplementary health insurance.

If you want to know more or make an appointment, please contact me.


Online therapy

I can also offer a complete consultation digitally in terms of time and content. I am confident that this can be as effective and qualitative as a face to face consultation. I usually use Zoom. But by telephone is also possible of course. 

Qualifications and registrations

HBO Psychosociale hulpverlening

Stichting Psychosociale Opleidingen Utrecht (SPSO)

Bijscholing psychosociale basiskennis

Bijscholingsinstituut voor therapeuten Beverwijk

ACT gedragstherapie

Universiteit Heerlen


Doorvraagtechnieken - Dreamfactory

Mentale weerbaarheid - RHDHV

Psychologie proeverij - Secretary Management Institute

Op verhaal komen - Phoenix opleidingen Utrecht
Overdracht in leidinggeven - Phoenix opleidingen Utrecht
Train de trainer - Ruysdael trainingen Driebergen

LVPW - National Association of Psychosocial Workers 
STCZ - Stichting Tuchtrecht Complementaire Zorg
SCAG Foundation complementary and alternative health care

I offer therapy in


  • Obstructive patterns (scripts about survival mechanisms)
  • Depression
  • Self-confidence

  • Grief and loss processing
  • Problems in the family sphere
  • Anxiety disorders

  • Burn out or overstrain
  • Communication problems
  • Conflicts
  • Processing in the event of dismissal.

Most common issues I support people with:

1. Obstructive patterns

The starting point for schema-oriented therapy is that certain (early) experiences in combination with a person's character have led to certain schemas or patterns.

A child is extremely sensitive to impressions from the environment. It is not yet able to post or oversee the information it receives. Also, a child cannot choose other circumstances. That makes it dependent on the educators for the care, the views, culture, feelings and behavior. Often these are also repetitions of the parents of the educators. The fear of not surviving arises here. To ensure love and trust, we develop schemes to meet this basic need.

Behavior that caused a safe feeling was repeated, behavior that did not was unlearned. The developed schemes feel familiar. This causes repetition compulsion. It even becomes routine. Experiences are often adapted in such a way that they confirm the correctness of schedules.

As adults, we don't need these schedules so much anymore. In fact, they often hinder us. That is why schemes are also called pitfalls.

Some people surrender to their schedules and find ways to avoid or extinguish the negative consequences they feel as a result. For example, one way to not have to feel anything anymore is to work even harder than you already did. This causes tightness, limitation and conflict with the environment. The dissatisfaction, emptiness and powerlessness that is then felt is projected onto the environment.

Through schema therapy, you can detect, influence and change these schemes and pitfalls. In addition, you will learn to deal better with certain situations in your life. Only when you become aware of the themes and scripted behavior can you change them, let them go and make new decisions.



2. Overstrain

In any life, events, obligations and problems can cause stress and tension. For example, work pressure can suddenly come together with a personal event or another situation, which also requires time and energy from you. With prolonged high pressure, this takes its toll and you will struggle to carry out all your activities satisfactorily. If you do not manage to deal with this tension, you will become overstressed and you will feel that you no longer have a grip on your situation.

Overstrain is accompanied by countless physical and mental symptoms. These complaints can be different for everyone. Poor sleep, fatigue, irritability, headaches, forgetfulness, palpitations, worrying and alcohol consumption. An overall feeling of not being able to cope anymore. Permanent unrest, even in your free time.

In contrast to a burnout, the build-up phase of overstrain is relatively short and the recovery will not take many months as with a burnout. The signal that you are overstressed is a bell of the body to prevent worse. Continuing for a long time while you are overworked can lead to burnout and physical illness.

If you prey on body and mind for too long, overstrain can slowly turn into burnout. It is not very clear at what moment overstrain ends and when burnout begins.

My practice offers several short-term treatments, which focus on recognizing and dealing differently with your sources of stress and guidance in the recovery process.

3. Burnout
You may experience stress, for example at work, due to illness and even through sports. There are many life events that can cause stress. Stress requires effort. As long as the recovery after an effort is equal to the effort itself, there is nothing to worry about. The moment the recovery is too short for a long time to recover from the effort, damage occurs. Often this goes well for a number of years and the body seems to be resilient.

Until at a certain moment the stocks run out. The body no longer wants to move forward and mental strength is lacking. Due to years of overload, you are slowly burned out. Why does it not affect one and the other does, sometimes even several times? It has to do with circumstances, personality, genes, environment and norms and values. So it is not the case that you get a burnout from just hard work.

There are a lot of extra factors at play, such as: Having difficulty setting boundaries and therefore not sufficiently monitoring he energy Uncertainty, the feeling that nothing you do is good enough Perfectionism, setting the bar high and striving for the very best Care for another person, for example parents or children Not being able to delegate or let go Being detached from oneself, fitting a straitjacket.

Not being authentic costs energy Unemployment Dealing with grief and loss Stress in relationships, for example with a partner with narcissistic personality disorder. In contrast to the short recovery time in case of overstrain, someone with a burnout usually has to stop working for a long time to fully recover. And this recovery always involves trial and error! Sometimes it will even feel like there is no progress.

My practice can support in this recovery. Accepting that you are "sick" is an important first step, but also the most difficult part. Because that is precisely in line with the powerful character traits or beliefs that cause burnout. We look for solutions to your problems and help you deal with tension differently. The devised solutions will also have to be implemented.

This process often goes hand in hand with the support of the company doctor. If desired, reports can be made to the company doctor or the therapist can visit the company doctor.


75 euro for one consult. This is the minimal fee.

When the consult takes more time the fee will be converted to that time

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 13.00 - 18.00 (digital or on your location)
Tuesday 12.30 - 19.00 (Buren)
Wednesday 13.00 - 18.00 (digital or on your location)
Thursday 13.00 - 18.00 (digital or on your location) - 19.00 Buren
Friday 13.00 - 18.00 (digital or on your location) - 19.00 Buren
Saturday 12.30 - 17.00 (Buren)
Sunday -



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