English speaking
therapists in NL

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Join Therapycounselling


  • Are you a counsellor, coach, psychologist or psychotherapist in The Netherlands?
  • Could you use some extra clients for your practice?

You may be able to join our network and benefit from:


  • Being featured on our portal sites.
  • No extra clients = no costs
  • Coverage in your area for the keywords that your potential clients are using to search for in google.


  • The creation of a web presence for your counselling or psychotherapy service.
  • You're free to terminate your registration at any time without notice. No strings attached.




What are the costs?

  • No extra clients = no costs
  • You only pay a one time fee per (paying) client you get through our website.
  • There are no other costs.


So there is no risk for you and there are no strings attached.


Interested? More questions?
Fill in the contactform below and we'll send you a partnership agreement to take a look at.

(you could also read more on our website:



Send a message

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Location of your practice:

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Your message:

© - English speaking (expat) therapy & (couples) counselling
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