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therapists in NL
Gestalttherapist - Nijkerk - Olga
Therapist Nijkerk
Jozef Israelshof 12
3862ML Nijkerk
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Olga | Gestalttherapist

Therapist Nijkerk

Gestalttherapy is a form of psychotherapy but more direct and more focussed on the process. Making connection with yourself, the therapist and the surroundings are part of therapy.

People describe me as a therapist as clear, safe and with humor. Having mental issus is difficult and sometimes shame plays a part in not talking about it. Around 60 percent of  humanity deals with mental issues ones in their lives. Having mental issues is more normal than you think.

I work for 20 years now with people with mental health issues and i think thats my strength as a therapist. I have worked with a lot of different people with different problems.  I graduated at eating disorders and in my practice i learned a lot about trauma and how bad experiences can influence your life here and now.

Mental healt complaints are mostly a signal that something in our lives isnt working anymore and we need to change a pattern or have new better experiences in certain situations to actually feel better. In my practice we will search for such patterns to get to the core of your problem. I want to help you not only get free from complaints but also tackle the core of the problem

Do you want to know more or make an appointment, contact me via the "Send a message" - button at the top of this page.


Online therapy

Although I prefer face to face therapy, If that is not reachable because of distance we can plan a videocall also.

Qualifications and registrations

As a therapist I am affiliated with
NVAGT en EAGT (Nederlands Vlaamse Associatie GestaltTtherapeuten, Europese Associatie Gestalt Therapeuten) 
EAP  (European Association for Pychotherapie)

Post HBO ervaringsgerichte psychosociale therapie en gestalt gezinstherapie
Kempler Instituut Nederland 

Bachelor Social Work
Creative Therapy

Extra courses
- working with addiciton
- sexuality and therapy 
- dealing with agression
- working with the system
- double diagnoses
- psychopathology
- Recovery in psychiatry
- Psychopathology and Gestalttherapy
- processing the inner split (working with the inner child) 

I offer therapy in


Individual therapy 95,-  (no b.t.w.)
Relation therapy and family therapy 125,- (21% b.t.w.) 
Coaching in consultation with your employer

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 9:00-17:00
Tuesday -
Wednesday 9:00-17:00
Thursday 9:00-17:00
Friday 9:00-17:00
Saturday -
Sunday -



Contact me

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