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Counselor & Coach - Utrecht - Hans
Counseling & Coaching Utrecht
Ridderschapstraat 18
3512 CP Utrecht
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Hans | Counselor & Coach

Counseling & Coaching Utrecht

My name is Hans.
Empathic, sharp, inquisitive, motivating, down-to-earth and practical; that's me. I live from my heart and trust my intuition. I am open to everyone, listen carefully and do not judge. I offer you a safe place and your story is in trusted hands with me.
Carefully and lovingly dealing with you, your feelings and your story. That is my strength.
I am a member of NOBCO, the Dutch Association of Professional Coaches, and have completed my training as a professional coach at ICM. I work according to the Global Code of Ethics.
You can come to me if you are looking for help with:
- choices in work and private life
- transgressive behaviour
- stress and burnout
- fears and uncertainties
- relationships (monogamous and non-monogamous)
You want to grow in your work and at the same time be the exemplary parent and/or partner. You want to make a career, but also not neglect your friendships. What pitfalls lie in wait? Finding a good balance between your work and personal life is not easy in these times. If you want to keep all the balls in the air, you may find yourself getting ahead of yourself.
Together we look for what would be the ideal situation for you. And what you want to do and not do to achieve those circumstances. You learn to make conscious choices and what values you find important in your life.

Sexual comments, unwanted touching or being yelled at by your boss, or bullying behavior that you may not be aware of, but can still have to deal with.
If these types of situations continue, it can lead to lasting trauma. How do you make it clear that you don't accept this kind of behaviour? How do you speak to people about it? And what if you see someone dealing with transgressive behavior? Do you look away, or do you stand up for the other person?
Together we will work on an approach that will help you to stop this kind of undesirable behavior and put a stop to it immediately. And what you can do as a bystander to support the other person.
On social media you mostly see the image of a perfect, successful and happy life. In a world where it sometimes seems that everyone is a success, you can be overwhelmed by insecurities and fears about your own existence.
How can you realistically deal with your self-image and what the media would have you believe? What do you need to become more confident and happy with who you are?
I help you discover your identity and be proud of who you are. Together we search for your authentic self and what drives you in life.

Relationships come in countless forms. But which relationship suits you? Whether you choose a monogamous marriage or an open relationship with multiple partners doesn't really matter. In all situations you want a loving connection with another person. And that includes agreements, expectations and boundaries. But how do you discuss these when you have different opinions about them. It is important to look at each other's wishes without judgment and to give space to feelings such as jealousy or insecurity. By daring to be vulnerable, growth can occur in the relationship. Growth that gives a new dynamic to your relationship and can bring out other sides of your partner(s). 

Could you use some help with this? I would love to help you or the both of you to look at your relationship in an open and honest way, learn to see through patterns and work on a good way for the relationships to coexist.

After an extensive intake and making a “biography,” we will look at what exactly your question is. What are your needs. I am an intuitive coach who never just works from a standard method. I always choose conversation themes, exercises and methods in the moment and talk them over with you. That way we keep the process fresh and not too predictable.

If you want to know more or make an appointment, please contact me.


Qualifications and registrations

I am a member of NOBCO, the Dutch Association of Professional Coaches, and have completed training as a professional coach at ICM. I work according to the Global Code of Ethics.

I offer therapy in


Rates private:
Intake interview: 60 euros
Consultation: 85 euros

Two or more individuals
Intake interview: 70 euros
Consultation: 130 euros
Business rates:
Intake interview: 90 euros
Individual consultation: 130 euros

Two or more persons
Intake meeting: 110 euros
Consultation: 170 euros
All amounts include VAT.
If your financial resources are very limited, please contact me. We will then discuss together whether an adjusted rate is possible.

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 9.00-22.00 Antwerpen
Tuesday 9.00-22.00 Utrecht
Wednesday 9.00-22.00 Utrecht
Thursday 9.00-22.00 Utrecht
Friday 9.00-22.00 Antwerpen
Saturday 10.00-16.00 Antwerpen
Sunday on request


Contact me

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